{"action":{"enquire_now":"Enquire Now","book":"Book!","enquire":"Enquire!","enquire_now_link":"Request an Appointment","complete":"Complete"},"message":{"search_patient_by":"Search Patients By: ","patient_search_info":"Search patients by NHI number OR patient dob and name","patient_search_info_placeholder":"Search patients by name, email or NHI number","enquire_now":"Direct booking is coming soon. Select 'Enquire now', upload a photo of your referral and indicate a preferred day, time and clinic in the notes section. We will contact you to arrange a suitable time and location.","overbooking":"Unfortunately we are unable to find an appointment for this week. Please try selecting another week / location or you can send us your details and we will contact you shortly.","email_booking":"Unfortunately we are unable to find an appointment at {{ clinic }} this week. Please try selection another week/location or you can send us your details and we'll contact you shortly.","enquire_only":"Direct booking is coming soon. Select 'Enquire now', upload a photo of your referral and indicate a preferred day and time in the notes section. We will contact you to arrange a suitable time.","email_booking_form_header":"{{ exam }} online enquiry","booking_form_footer":"Thank you for choosing {{ radiology }}","email_appointment_confirm_title":"Thank you - expect a call from us shortly to confirm your appointment.","email_appointment_confirm_message":"","created_appointment_confirm_title":"Thank you - please see your appointment information below","appointment_confirm_message":"Thank you - we have made your provisional booking. Expect a call from us shortly to confirm your appointment.","no_slots":"Unfortunately we are unable to find an appointment for this week. Please try selecting another week / location or you can send us your details and we will contact you shortly.","no_available_slots":"Due to the order these scans need to be done in, there are no available times for the exam {{ exam }}. Please select an earlier time for the previous exam or look at another date.","send_details":"","call_us":"","upload_referral":"Please upload your referral again","send_referral_mobile":"","send_referral":"","upload_type":"*The file should be an image (jpeg, png, bmp) or PDF.","bodypart_info":"Not sure? Make the booking. We will check it and contact you if needed.","box_footer_home":" ","box_footer_exam":"More Locations","book_sooner":"Call us to book sooner","booking_form_enquiry":"Please provide us with the following details to proceed with your booking:","home_message_referrer":"","warning_note":"The patient info in Comrad does not match the patient info in Snapscan:","suitable_time":"Can't find a suitable time? Call us to discuss {{ phoneNumber }} or","external_appointment_id":"Appointment Serial Number","more_procedures":"","privacy":"To view how your information is managed, please click","insurance_provider_number":"ACC Provider Number","priority_code_1":"Urgent","priority_code_2":"Normal","priority_code_3":"Future/Low","external_id":"Appointment Serial Number","enter_external_id_search":"Enter appointment serial number to search for an appointment"},"data":{"book_more_link":"Book another scan","special_notice":"If your needs are urgent and you require an appointment earlier than what is offered online, please contact us on (09 630 3324) to arrange an appointment. We may have had a cancellation that is not displayed here. There is no guarantee of an earlier appointment, but we will do our best to accommodate your request"},"form":{"name_email_medicare_number_placeholder":"Search by NHI number","medicare_number":"NHI Number","medicare_number_placeholder":"NHI Number (ex. ZZZ0016)","note_help":"Please let us know which clinic you’d like to attend and when.","contact_number_placeholder":"0xx xxx xxxx","invalid_patient_number":"Invalid NHI number","send_referral":"Select file","add_referral":"Select file","single_procedure":"Single Scan","multiple_procedure":"Multiple Scans / Body Parts","notes":"Clinical Details / Notes","notes_placeholder":"Clinical Details / Notes","first_name":"Legal First Name","last_name":"Legal Last Name","location_help":"Please select your preferred location to get scanned, and a representative will get back to you with the closest clinic that can scan you","patient_contact_number":"Mobile","patient_first_name":"Legal First Name","patient_last_name":"Legal Last Name","folio_number":"Comrad ID","external_id_placeholder":"Enter Appointment Serial Number...","external_id":"Appointment Serial Number","appointment_has_attachment":"Taking a few moments to upload your referral will help us confirm your appointment details."},"entity":{"modality":"Modality"},"menu":{"doctors":"Referrers"},"modality":{"fous":"Select MOH funding code"},"status":{"CANCELED":"Cancelled","booking_request":{"REMOVED_BY_OPERATOR":"PROCESSED"}},"filters":{"appointments":{"externalStatus":{"filterName":"Progress","label":"Select Progress","placeholder":"Select progress..."}},"booking_requests":{"referrerOrganizationSearch":{"filterName":"Practice","label":"Search Practice","placeholder":"Enter referrer practice name..."}}}}